Everything from rehabs to rentals

Upgrade your approach to house flipping with Privy’s Comparative Search. Uniquely harnessing proprietary data points, Privy gives you Before & After information and imagery on historical flips so you can give your contractor a more precise vision— and budget.

Leverage the power of rental analytics to find lucrative single-family investment properties to buy and hold. Quickly calculate cap rate, cash-on-cash return, net cash flow, and more with Privy’s integrated proforma. This institutional-level tool lets you understand risk without ever dealing with spreadsheets or messy formulas.

Maximize your time using Privy as a universal software solution with every investment strategy in one place. Gain access to national vacation rental deals and Airbnb comp data. Coming soon.

Search for properties with the potential for additional square footage, like a pop-top. When renovated, add a story and increase your profit potential.

Utilize scraps as an effective way to expand and increase the value of your portfolio. Privy shows the most successful teardown and rebuild comps in a preferred market, giving you the blueprint to do the same.

Investor Activity

Experts in the Privy app say this is the piece of data that completes the picture. Instantly track the deals of expert investors in hot markets as they happen across the country. Then Comparative Search delivers similar deals designed to turn a similar profit and maximize the value of your investment portfolio.

Fix & Flip Deal Dashboard in Privy Real estate investing software

Direct-to-MLS data access

Privy is the only real estate platform that gives Investors access to first-party MLS data that’s usually reserved for Agents. This means everyone on Privy gets the most accurate, transparent property data right from the source. Explore MLS Future Markets.

  • Coming Soon
      • Sacramento

      • Boise

      • Willamette Valley

      • Seattle

      • Tacoma

      • Bloomington

      • Fort Wayne

      • Wichita

      • Sioux Falls

      • Augusta

      • Providence

      • Little Rock

West Midwest Northeast Southwest Southeast

& insights

  • National coverage of single-family, long-term rental investments.
  • Instantly evaluate the profitability of any strong rental property.
  • Calculate ROI, cap rate, cash-on-cash return, and more all with an in-app editable proforma.

  • Off-market listings
  • Owner information
  • Accessor’s Office records
  • Deed data
  • Mortgage information
  • Liens
  • Auctions

  • Gain additional insight to help you get the most complete picture of available investment opportunities on and off-market.
  • Get a detailed look at property owner and financial information all in a single, easy-to-digest dashboard.

We changed the game. Start changing yours today.