Privy, a customized real estate investing platform, enables lenders to automate borrower acquisition and retention.

Traditional marketing efforts won’t cut it anymore. Privy’s automation provides your loan officers the conversations they need to obtain new business. Stop wasting time and money on tedious outreach efforts, and let Privy make it easy for borrowers to remember you. By integrating CRM features, Privy helps you maintain strong connections with your clients and streamline workflows and communication.

Raymond is an Retail Lender who shares Privy with his clients so they can find more deals.
Privy puts Private Lenders in a place to close deals

Be the one your borrowers thank when they close on their next property. Supplying them with Privy unlocks their ability to access and win more lucrative deals. You are there from when they are browsing to when they are ready to transact. You are instantly and primarily positioned to provide financing.

With the streamlined Click to Apply feature embedded within Privy, borrowers can directly connect with lenders at the crucial decision-making moment, ensuring that lenders remain the immediate choice when borrowers are ready to transact. These integrations simplify the loan process and solidify the lender’s presence at every critical step, preventing them from being overlooked.

Privy real estate investing software UI popup on map

How Privy helps your borrowers

Streamline the process of finding, analyzing, and closing on the most profitable real estate deals

Privy efficiently filters through thousands of listings to pinpoint the best opportunities for your borrowers. The power of real-time MLS feeds and off-market data will give new and existing borrowers a competitive edge and have you underwriting and approving more loans. This data-driven approach ensures your borrowers are always making informed decisions based on the most accurate and up-to-date information and that you are optimizing the lending process.

Want to learn more about our lender solution?

Streamline, innovate, and thrive with more value from every deal flowing through your business.

Privy partners with private lenders and those in the mortgage lending space, providing robust support to drive sales activity and mutual benefits for the lenders, loan officers, and their borrowers. Through integrations with Privy, lenders can streamline their proactive participation in the lending process. As borrowers identify potential real estate investment deals, they can click a button in Privy to connect with you to expedite their loan easily.

Privy helps borrowers find better deals and reduce risk, therefore fewer deals end up in default. As a lender, one of the most common reasons an investor borrower gets upside down in their loan is they underestimated their repair budget. With Privy’s unique access to real-time data and Before & After photos, your borrowers (and their contractors) will have a clear picture of what needs to go into their repairs. By enabling borrowers to make informed repair and budget decisions, Privy directly contributes to their success, enhancing lender outcomes.

Privy’s automation nurtures prospective clients throughout the customer lifecycle. We help lenders focus on different points of the customer lifecycle: right at loan closing, current but not active clients, and prospective but not active non-clients. Privy’s segmentation workflows meet borrowers where they are in their buying cycle and optimize their customer experience.